Many of our patients wish to consume some form of a shake during the day. This can be quite a problem as there is no single shake that works for all of the different varieties of food sensitivities, mast cell activation issues, metabolic typing, Ayurvedic types, Fodmaps issues, SIBO, bacterial endotoxemia, oxalates, ketogenic, candida- the list of variabilities are endless. However, many people are somewhat deficient in key fatty acids. We measure all of the fatty acid variables through the Kennedy Krieger Institute and use the template found on this handout to design the foundation of a shake. The ingredients listed are altered according to the specifics of the issues facing patients. There is obviously no one size fits all approach and the variety and dosage of ingredients to be used is endless. Do not use this template without specific functional medicine testing to ascertain your own key nutritional deficiencies.
Caution: Please note that this recipe is to be used in conjunction with functional medical tests to determine individual nutrients. This is not meant to cure or treat any disease or symptoms.